Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Week 5: Symmetry and Supersymmetry

·     My Asymmetrical world – Each semester I have a new class and clinic schedule. Each day of the week, I depart for my scheduled day at a different time of day, and arrive home at a different time of day. Some weeks, I attend classes at 3 different locations. My mode of transportation varies from commuting with fellow classmate, to driving my own car, to taking Golden Gate Transit, to riding BART.

·       Just what does this "CP violation" really mean?
·       ANNA PHAN | USLHC | USA, says:
·       When we look around ourselves, everything is made up of matter – protons, neutrons and electrons. Even looking out into space, all the planets, stars and gas that we can observe is made up of these particles. There is a cosmological excess of matter over antimatter which is at odds with the theoretical symmetry between them.

·       The theoretical symmetry between matter and antimatter is more commonly known to particle physicists as CP. If nature treated matter and antimatter alike, then nature would be CP-symmetric. If not, CP is violated.

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