Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week 11: Synthesis

·       My E-Prime Day - describe your day, only using English Prime

The commuter traffic this morning was more congested than most Tuesdays.
The commuter traffic this morning appeared to be more congested than most Tuesdays.

The parking lot was fuller than usual this morning.
The parking lot appeared to be fuller than usual when we arrived this morning.

The streets of Oakland were unusually crowded before we went to class.
The streets of Oakland by comparison to last week, seemed unusually crowded.

Our first period teacher was organized this morning even though her bicycle had two flat tires.
Our first period teacher appeared to be organized this morning, even though her bicycles had two flat tires.

Our commute home was longer than usual, due to criminal activity related road blockades and accidents.
Criminal activity and traffic accidents appeared to be the cause of our lengthened commute time.

·       How might you synthesize eastern and western ideas in Physics?

This excerpt from the “Tao of Physics”, best represents how I perceive the synthesis of eastern and western ideas in Physics: “Chapter 2 – Knowing and Seeing A mystical experience, therefore, is not any more unique than a modern experiment in physics. On the one hand, it is not less sophisticated either, although its sophistication is of a very different kind. The complexity and efficiency of the physicist’s technical apparatus is matched, if not surpassed, by that of the mystic’s consciousness – both physical and spiritual – in deep meditation. The scientists and mystics, then, have developed highly sophisticated methods of observing nature which are inaccessible to the lay person. “- Fritjof Capra

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your E-Prime examples. They provided clarity to what could appear ambiguous. I can understand the value of E-Prime in conflict resolution but I am not accustomed to hearing it describe daily activities.
